If that fails to work, apply XWIS’ fix for Red Alert 2. Alternatively, you can put ddwrapper into the Red Alert 2 directory and apply the C&C Graphics Patcher to Red Alert 2 executables.
To patch the game successfully, move ts-ddraw or DDrawCompat to the Red Alert 2 directory. The most recent procedure requires installing the latest version of the CnCNet YR client, which even patches the regular Red Alert 2 gameplay. Since we are running Red Alert 2 on Windows 10, we should remember that it requires additional steps to get the game running.

Put your First Decade disc on your DVD drive.If you have the First Decade version of Red Alert 2: From the Soviet disc, copy maps02.mix and movies02.mix to the RA2 directory.From the Allied disc, copy multi.mix, theme.mix, maps01.mix, and movies01.mix to the Red Alert 2 directory.Download and install XWIS’ Red alert 2 multiplayer distribution from this page.Red Alert 2 welcome screen If you have the retail CD version of Red Alert 2, follow the following steps: